What to Wear in Disney World in February

Photographed by Michael of Countdown to Magic

Disney World is fun no matter what time of the year you go. Unless–of course–you try to go during a hurricane, because then the parks would be closed. The good news, though, is that February is not hurricane season in Orlando, Florida!

On top of that, February is considered one of the drier seasons. No rain is always good news when going on a vacation.

You might think that the clothes you wear are not very important–just put on some jeans, a t-shirt, and flip flops.

What else would you need?

Well, if you do not pay attention to the time of year you go, you might end up sweating through all your clothes because all you brought were long sleeve shirts and jeans. 

For my dad, he did not think that taking a pair of shorts was essential, and he hates to wear them. Nevertheless, my mom snuck them in his bag just in case. On the day of our arrival, we went into the park, and we were only there for about two hours before everyone realized they were wearing the wrong clothes, including my dad! 

That’s right! He went straight to the hotel room to change into those shorts! He could not take the heat, and if he surrendered to shorts, you know it is bad! The weather is why what you wear and how you dress is important. No one wants to be miserable on vacation! 

So, I say all that to say the following: clothing is important when visiting the massive Disney parks. And so, without further do, here are my thoughts on what to wear to Disney World in February.

Weather and Clothing for February 

The best time of the year to visit Disney World is in the winter season because a lot of people are in school, and the parks are less crowded. And because you’re avoiding the summer months, you don’t have to deal with any oppressive heat or humidity.

For most of the months in Florida, there is a lot of rain, and they also have their hurricane season, and while there will always be a good chance of rain, February is considered to be one of the less rainy months of the year. 

Also, the rainfall during this time of year will be more bearable than if you went in the summer. In the summer, people have to deal with the unbearable humidity, which makes everything ten times worse. In February, the mugginess is not as bad and more durable. Now you might be thinking that February is probably the worst time to go because it is winter and always raining. It is quite the opposite in Florida! 

The weather over at Disney World should be a pleasant one and who doesn’t love beautiful weather on vacation! The temperature usually ranges from 50 degrees to around 70 degrees Fahrenheit in February. This is great weather for Florida, when you are standing in line for Splash Mountain for forty-five minutes outside.  

One of the top recommendations for Disney World in February would be for everyone to wear a jacket. It does not have to be a heavy one, but one that you know can keep you warm. The colder times in Orland, Florida will be in the mornings and close to or after sunset.

The in-between times, you might not need it, so having a lightweight jacket that you can stuff into your backpack is ideal. Keep in mind that it does not have to be a jacket; it can be a zip-up sweater or a pullover.  

Men and women can wear pants or shorts with a short sleeve t-shirt along with a jacket, as mentioned. Casual dress and skirts are always an alternative for ladies if you would prefer not to wear pants or shorts. Although, ladies beware that wearing a dress or skirt may be a hazard on some rides at the parks.

For example, the ride Avatar: Flight of Passage is a motorcycle-like of a ride where you have to swing your leg over and sit with your legs spread apart as you ride the excursion.

The expedition will be challenging unless you wear a dress or skirt that has a lot of stretch, so keep this in mind when you are deciding what to wear.  And for any men reading, well, you’ll be just fine wearing almost any pair of pants on the same ride–especially something like a nice pair of denim jeans.


Wearing sunscreen in Florida is one of the most crucial things that you must do every time you are about to step outside! It does not matter if you are like me and do not burn quickly; it is better safe than sorry. I am fortunate to tan easily and not burn hardly at all. I can go outside in the summer for hours and not have to put sunscreen on, and I will not burn.

However, this was not the case when I went to Disney World. It honestly just slipped my mind to put on sunscreen, and I regretted it. Of all the places, I got burned on my nose! It was horrible; it looked like I was either sick or had a really long cry. My nose was nasty and peeling throughout the rest of the trip.

Not a pretty sight.  

So, learn from my mistake. You must apply sunscreen every time you go outside in Florida. Put it on your face, hands, legs, neck, and even your ears! It is crazy to think that you can burn on your ears, but trust me, it can happen. It happened to one of my other family members who did not bother to put sunscreen on their ears because they did not think it necessary.

That day they got sunburned on the only spot they did not put the sunscreen, their ears. Every inch of skin that is not covered by clothes should be slathered in sunscreen! Do not forget the kids and babies!  

Get the sunscreen that has an SPF of at least thirty. The higher the SPF number, the better. Anything lower than thirty does not give much protection. Babies and younger children should get a higher SPF because their skin is more sensitive than adults, which means that they could burn easier. The last thing you want is to come back from your Disney vacation red as a tomato. 

Wearing the Right Footwear 

During February, the weather is not as harsh as it would be during the summer months, so this means you have shoe options. If it were summer, I would say that wearing tennis shoes is not recommended because of the heat and to try just wearing some flip flops or sandals.

However, February is not a summer month, and you should be able to enjoy some more tolerable weather down in Florida during that time of year. With that being said, you can wear tennis shoes but make sure they are for a lot of walking and standing for long periods.

My brother in law had some essential tennis shoes that he had already had in his closet and thought they would suffice. After all, tennis shoes are all the same, right? Wrong! Sadly, they were not made to give support for someone who would be on their feet all day; he ended up having blisters and had to soak his feet because he was so sore.

He also had to go back to the hotel early because he was in so much pain. The poor guy was even limping for half the day all because the tennis shoes he wore were the wrong kind. No one wants to have to cut their day at Disney World short because of foot pain. 

Personally, I like wearing flip flops or sandals that have a lot of padding to them and ones that I know I can wear, walk, and stand in for long periods. They are easy to take on and off, and I already have them in my closet. Or if I do not have the right kind, I can usually buy them for a low price at most any store. While February is not known to be one of the rainiest times of the year in Florida, there is always a possibility of rain.

I would rather ruin a pair of flip flops or sandals than having to throw away a pair of tennis shoes. Also, you would have to walk in soggy wet tennis shoes and socks until you got up to your hotel room to change, and frankly, that is very uncomfortable. Here is a Disney Blog about tips and warnings about wearing the right kind of shoes 

I did spray my flip flops with waterproof spray for shoes, and it did work to some extent. However, I bought an off-name brand spray that I had just sitting in my drawer for a long time. The other brands that I have seen around in stores are rated very well and worth looking into because they are relatively cheap. 

What to Wear for Rainy Weather 

February showers are possibility more than it is a probability. Nevertheless, however, you should prepare for at least one day of rain in Florida. Some people like to wear a poncho, others would instead use an umbrella, and the rest would take a chance and brave the storm with just a jacket that has a hood. It is really up to you and what you prefer. 

I would bring an umbrella and wear a jacket that I do not mind getting wet. It is much more comfortable because most everyone has an umbrella and a jacket already that they own.  

I know some people hate getting wet and having to deal with soaking wet clothes, so an option is a poncho. Many recommended having it for the rain because it covers your clothes, and you do not have to bother holding an umbrella. If you are holding a bag, a poncho is helpful because you can cover the bag with it as you wear it and it will not get wet. I ended up buying a poncho for my first Disney World vacation because everyone kept telling me that ponchos were a lifesaver for them in Disney World. 

So, I figured it must be important if everyone is telling me to buy one. Unfortunately, I found it to be a waste of fifteen dollars that I could have spent elsewhere. Save yourself some money and skip the poncho.

An umbrella and a jacket will work just as well if not better, and you will not have to waste your money on a one-time use poncho. On top of that, not a lot of people have ponchos, so you would have to go out and spend money on a good quality poncho that you might not even use, and if you did, you would only be using it once for the trip.

Parades vs. Night Shows 

Disney World has many shows to watch that they put on year-round, and each one is special in their own way. With rides to ride, musical shows to watch, character meet and greets, etc. You have to plan out your days carefully to maximize your time on your Disney trip.

Most everyone likes to watch at least one parade or night show because they are nothing short of magical, but which to choose? Should you attend the ceremonies with all your favorite Disney characters during the day in the afternoon? Or should you watch the night shows with all the beautiful lights? 

A significant factor for me, when I am planning on what Disney Entertainment to see is: what is available to see during the week of my vacation? And what is the weather going to be on the day I want to watch it? There are numerous shows that different parks offer. During the month of February here is a list of what is available shows to watch: 

  1. Disney Festival of Fantasy Parade (Magic Kingdom) – Daytime Show 
  2. Epcot Forever (Epcot) – Night Show 
  3. Happily Ever After (Magic Kingdom) – Night Show 
  4. Fantasmic (Hollywood Studios) – Night Show 
  5. Star Wars: Galactic Spectacular (Hollywood Studios) – Night Show 

In February, there is only one parade during the daytime, which is the Disney Festival of Fantasy Parade. It starts around 3:00 p.m., which will be the hottest time of the day. Keep in mind that although the shows maybe only twelve minutes, you are going to have to find a space to watch the show. 

Some people like to go an hour earlier to save their spot for a Disney performance because they want a proper place where their kids can see everything. Taking that into account, this means that you could potentially be spending an hour and a half or more in direct sunshine even at 70 degrees will have you sweating. Therefore, layering your clothes is always a good idea. 

Make sure that if you enter the park in the morning when it is cold, and you plan to watch the parade that you are wearing something like a jacket. Something that you can take off later if you choose to see the ceremony in the afternoon. If you would rather not stand outside during the hottest time of day, the night shows are perfect for you.  

I have watched the Star Wars: Galactic Spectacular, and it was pretty awesome. If you love anything Star Wars, you will enjoy this show. They have done this show in the past during the month of February, but I could not find it on the Disney schedule, so I am not sure if it will be playing. The good news is that there are still three other night shows that you can take part in and they are all spectacular! Keep in mind that everyone in your party will want to wear a jacket and possibly long pants because February evenings can be chilly.  

Clothes for Babies and Young Kids

Unlike most adults, children, especially babies, get cold quickly. Picking an outfit for your child is hard because you do not want them to be too cold or too hot. A kid will not be happy if they are too cold or hot, and happy kids make for happy parents! Something that can be quickly taken off if they are too hot or put back on if they are too cold. 

Depending on the actual day, try dressing them in a jacket, short sleeve, and pants or shorts if the forecast is hot. Looking at a weather forecast app is always a good idea; the weather can be ever-changing down in Orlando. It can forecast rains with thunder, and the next time you look, it could be sunshine with no clouds in sight.  

Jackets are great also to cover up from the sun. For babies, you can have them just wrapped in a blanket if it is easier for you than trying to put them in a jacket. My sister preferred a blanket over a jacket because all she had to do was drape it over her son. Pants or shorts are a good idea for the infants, and the beautiful thing about babies is that if it is too hot for long pants, you have taken them off because they have a onesie on!  

If the child is going to be wearing a costume to the Disney parks, make sure that it fits for the day’s weather. You do not want to be putting your little one in a full stormtrooper’s outfit and have them crying all day because it was too hot and stuffy in the costume to wear all day. Instead, have them wear that peter pan costume with the short sleeves.  

Children love to play dress-up, and parents love to dress their children in cute costumes. I love seeing the little Ariels and Darth Vaders at Disney World. However, a lot of these costumes are hot, itchy, and not breathable for the kids to wear all day in the parks.

I saw an interesting Instagram post that was brilliant and something I would suggest for anyone with kids who want to be dressed up. This mother had bought her daughter a black shirt, a red polka dot tulle skirt, red shoes, and Mouse ears. 

This little girl looked like Minnie Mouse! The outfit looked just as cute as the costume would have been, and she did it with only regular everyday kind of clothes. This idea was also excellent because of the fabrics not heavy and suitable for wearing for an entire day. No costume needed! Now keep in mind that you cannot do this for every character, but it is a great alternative and probably cheaper.  


Vacations are all about having fun, relaxing, and being comfortable, and the clothes you wear are a big part of that if you think about it. If you are wearing a cashmere thick sweater and jeans in the hot Florida weather, I doubt you are going to be having much fun, relaxation, and comfort in those clothes. Finding the proper attire to wear on a Disney trip will make it more pleasurable. 

Also, a great thing about going to Disney World in February is that this is one the cheapest time to go to Disney World. And who does not love saving money?! Be mindful of the weather and what the forecast is predicting, because temperatures, especially in Florida, can change in a matter of minutes.

Furthermore, it is helpful to know if you are someone who gets hot quickly or cold easily. If you are someone who gets hot quickly, definitely wear lighter clothes, and if you are someone who cannot take the cold, wear heavier clothes. 

If you are worried that you do not have enough information about your upcoming trip, do as much research as you can find! It is better to be prepared than not. Now, it is time to pack your bags and be off for your Disney World vacation! Have fun, and enjoy yourself! Do not forget the sunscreen!  

  • This article was written by Countdown to Magic contributor Priscilla Leong.

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