Disney World Packing List for October

If you’re new to the magic of Disney World, figuring out what to pack can be daunting. Going during the summer is easy; cool clothing and sunscreen are all you need. Packing for the fall is a little more difficult. Your October trip doesn’t have to be stressful, though. With this guide, you’ll know everything about packing for your October Disney trip.

Changing Seasons

October marks the shift from summer to autumn in Florida. With that, comes changes in temperature. The days are still hot, hovering around the 80s, but the nights get chilly. Evenings have been known to reach temperatures as low as the 60s. This is a big range, so it’s good to be prepared for both ends of the spectrum.

As a general rule, you should pack more t-shirts than anything else. The days are still warm, so you don’t want to be packing sweaters and thick fabrics. Cool fabrics like cotton are the best choice for Florida. Shorts are also a good idea, though you may want to bring one or two pairs of long pants for the evenings. One sweater or hoodie should be enough to keep you warm if you decide to take on the parks after dark. An extra blanket for the hotel room is a good idea, too. Those rooms get cold!

Hats are important to bring as well. Your face and scalp are extra susceptible to burning in the sun, so a hat will help prevent any sun damage. Along the same lines, sunglasses and shoes with tops aid in keeping your skin safe from the sun. Watch out for weird tan lines, though.

Luckily, October doesn’t see as much rain as the summer months, so you won’t need to pack excessive rain gear. An umbrella and a few ponchos should suffice for your trip. Always be sure to check the weather before you go on your trip, though. Surprise rain in Disney World can put a damper on your experience if you aren’t properly prepared.

Bare Necessities

When packing for Disney, think of Baloo. Only bring the things you absolutely need. Going to Disney World usually means thinking you won’t buy many souvenirs, but before you know it, your entire suitcase is filled with pins and plushies. If you go in with the knowledge that you may buy more souvenirs than you originally intended, you won’t be struggling to get everything back home.

Here’s a list of basic – bare, if you will – necessities to get you through your trip while keeping your suitcase free of clutter:

Wet wipes: You never know when you’re going to need to clean a spill. Wet wipes are perfect for cleaning any stickiness on your hands or on your kid’s face. They’re also good for wiping away sweat.

Sunscreen: This is a given, but it’s always good to write it down in case you forget. It’s a good idea to bring two kinds – maybe a spray and a lotion – for application at different points during the day. Even though its October, the sun is still out in full force.

Granola bars: Are there snacks available in the parks? Yes. But you should still bring along some quick snacks packed with nutrients. You’ll be surprised how quickly your energy will diminish walking around the parks, and if you’re buying snacks every day you visit a park, you’ll be spending more than you realize. Bringing your own small snacks for an energy boost during the day will save you money for more exciting purchases.

Water bottle: A durable metal or BPA-free plastic bottle makes your Disney trip a lot easier. Like with snacks, constantly buying water bottles at the parks can get costly, so having your own means of hydration saves you money in the long run.

A poncho: Though it doesn’t rain as much in October as it does during the summer, it’s still a good idea to bring along some ponchos for you and your family. It’ll save you any discomfort if it ends up raining while you’re strolling around the parks. Plus, you’ll be able to keep your souvenirs dry.

Of course, you know what your family needs on vacation more than anyone, so feel free to add or subtract to this part of the list. These are all good things to keep in mind, though.

Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween

One of the best things to do at Disney World in October is attend Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party. If you and your family enjoy Halloween, you’ve picked the perfect time to visit the parks. As a preface, you should be aware of the additional ticket prices for the event. Tickets start around $85 USD, so keep that in mind if you want to partake in the festivities.

Bringing along some costumes for you and your family would be a great idea if you plan on enjoying Halloween at Disney. There are rules to what kinds of costumes you can wear, so it’s good to keep those in mind when packing your spooky attire.

Children are always allowed to wear costumes to the parks, but adults are not. This is why the Not-So-Scary Halloween party is special. Grown-ups can partake in the fun, too! In general, you should bring costumes that don’t drag on the ground, require you to wear a mask (of any kind), and that do not include too many props or layers. This is to keep everyone in the park safe and comfortable. Disney’s website states that the parks reserve the right to turn away guests if they are dress inappropriately, so be sure to stick to these basic rules before heading out to the park in costume.

The rules for the kiddos are more open. They can wear pretty much anything they like as long as their masks do not cover the majority of the face and if their eyes are visible.

If you don’t want to go in full costume, but still want to partake in the fun, you could pack some clothing that resembles your favorite Disney character. This is called “Disneybounding,” and it’s a great alternative if you don’t want to go all-out with costumes. It’ll also save you space in your luggage; costumes can be bulky, but if you’re just packing regular clothes as your costume, you won’t take up that much space!

Waiting in Lines

Waiting in line at Disney World is inevitable. You can check a Disney World crowd calendar, but you will experience wait times at some point during your trip. In relation to other months, October experiences moderate crowds. This is partially because of the Not-So-Scary Halloween party, but also because it’s generally cooler during the fall than in the summer.

To combat the wait times, it’s a good idea to bring along some small games to play in line. A deck of cards can really save you if you’ve got a long wait ahead of you and no FastPass+ to let you skip the line. You can also download some fun apps on your phone. Charades is always fun, and you don’t need any equipment for it.

Disney also provides its own app to keep you busy in line. Play Disney Parks lets you interact with the different aspects of the park as you walk around, meaning you’ll be able to play while you’re in line. It’s a great way to kill time. What’s more, apps don’t take up any room in your suitcase!

Making Memories

It’s no secret that families go to Disney to make magical memories. Bringing along a few items will help you keep your Disney experience with you long after your trip ends.

Firstly, you’ll want to have a camera with you. If you don’t have a digital camera, you can use your phone to take pictures. Still, it’s always nice to have physical copies of any photos you take at the parks. It may be a good idea to take along some disposable cameras. Yes, they still exist! They’re great for taking pictures on the go, and they’re far cheaper than buying a digital camera. Plus, they’ll remind you of your own childhood.

If you plan on meeting any characters while you’re in the parks, you’ll want to bring something to write with and a notebook so they can give you their autograph. You can buy special autograph books at the parks, but any old notebook will do just fine. Collecting autographs is a fun way to make memories at the parks; the characters are happy to do it, and they’re always quirky with their signatures.

It’s also a good idea to bring along an extra bag or a backpack for any souvenirs you buy at the parks. Carrying around big bags full of stuff can get annoying if you buy your items at the beginning of your day, so it’s a good idea to bring along a bag purely for storing your purchases throughout the day. Try to save any bigger purchases – a giant stuffed Pooh Bear, for example – for later in the day. You’ll have a much better time walking around the park without a gigantic Pooh Bear on your back.

Travel Entertainment

It’s a good idea to consider bringing along items to keep you busy on your trip to and from Disney. You may not think of this originally, but if you’ve got a long trip ahead of you, you’ll want something to keep the kids busy in the backseat. Packing a few toys or games will keep your kids occupied while you’re driving, saving you from hearing the constant “Are we there yet?” cries. Plan on bringing some music, too. Listening to Disney music on the way to the park is one of the best ways to get excited for your vacation.

If you’re flying, don’t forget to bring entertainment for yourself. A good book or movie will keep you busy during a long flight. Before you know it, you and your family will be in Florida, ready to experience a wonderful vacation at Walt Disney World.

Your Packing List

To sum everything up, here’s a list of all the items mentioned in this article. With this set of items, your trip to Disney in October will be fully covered.

  1. Mostly light clothing with some warmer pieces to account for the chilly nights.
  2. Clothing that will protect you from the sun – hats, sunglasses, etc.
  3. Wet wipes to clean up any stickiness or sweat.
  4. Sunscreen because even in October, Florida is still the “Sunshine State!”
  5. Granola bars for a quick boost of energy.
  6. Reusable water bottles to stay hydrated and keep costs low.
  7. Ponchos for any rain that may come down during your trip.
  8. Costumes for Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party – make sure to follow the rules!
  9. A deck of cards to keep you entertained in line.
  10. A camera of some kind to capture all of the special moments you experience at Disney.
  11. An autograph book and pen for collecting your favorite characters’ signatures.
  12. An extra bag or backpack for any souvenirs you purchase during your trip.
  13. Travel entertainment for your trip to and from the parks, both for your kids and for yourself if you’re flying.

With these items in mind, you’ll have everything you need for a fantastic trip to Disney in October. You can add to this list as you see fit for the needs of you and your family, but these are the basics to get you through.

Don’t forget that the most important thing to take with you to Disney is a positive attitude and a sense of childlike wonder. They don’t call it the happiest place on Earth for nothing.

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